Jacket: Helly Hansen Appleton Coat
This past weekend my best friend Erin came all the way from Canada to come visit me in Portland! It was so nice having a friend here to spend time with me and Piper. Erin is a mother of three so she’s basically a pro at all things baby related. Just having her around made me feel so much more relaxed. Plus I had someone to hold Piper when I needed to pee. It’s the little things.
We decided to make the drive up to Cannon Beach but unfortunately the weather was less than ideal. It was drizzling rain the whole time! It rained the last time James and I went to Cannon Beach too so I was pretty disappointed. Regardless we still had fun and spent the afternoon walking along the beach and enjoying lunch at Driftwood Restaurant & Lounge (the food was just ok). My husband told Erin that because of the rain she got the authentic Portland experience!
One thing I’ve learned since I moved to Portland is that you can’t let the rain stop you from doing things. It rains so often here that I would never do anything if I stayed in on rainy days! Having the right attire is essential if you want to be out and about when the storm clouds come rolling in. I bought this pair of yellow Tretorn boots back in November and they have gotten a ton of use. I also picked up this Hudson’s Bay umbrella before we left Toronto. Canada represent! Also if you live in Portland you might be on the market for a new umbrella. I recently came across this website that has a roundup of their top umbrella picks!
The lovely people at Helly Hansen recently sent me the Appleton Coat from their upcoming fall collection. Their motto this season is “don’t let a little rain stop you” and I have to agree. This waterproof coat has big front pockets which are nice for storing my phone and a few other essentials. The large hood is great at keeping the rain out of my face especially if I happen to get caught in the rain without an umbrella. I may be tempting fate by getting this jacket in white but so far I haven’t spilled anything on it!
I’m going give you some Mama realness right now – this jacket does not zip up yet. I still have some weight to lose after having Piper and most of it is carried in my belly area. I have been nervous to post any photos of my body at all to be honest. No one told me that it’s normally to still have a belly two months after having a baby! So often the media showcases women who give birth and instantly get their pre-pregnancy body back. While that is true for some people, it’s not the norm and it certainly hasn’t been the case for me. Thankfully this jacket is still comfortable and functional even when it’s not zipped up 🙂
While I am still feeling a bit self-conscious about how my body is looking I am also so proud of what it has done for me. I grew a human inside of me and brought her in to this world. That’s something to be proud of! While my postpartum bump isn’t ideal, it’s a reminder of what I went through to bring Piper into our family and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I have made piece with the fact that my body will never look like it did before (so-long thigh gap!) but I still have moments where I feel super insecure. If you are pregnant or recently had a baby just remember that your body is incredible and the healing process after giving birth takes time. Sometimes it takes a LOT of time. And that’s ok! You’re beautiful.
BFF’s forever!!!
Piper is making a little cameo in the photos above! Erin had her in my Baby K’Tan carrier as we walked along the beach and she was so snuggled up in there she fell asleep for hours. I love that little hood Piper is wearing with the bear ears!
Do you get a lot of rain here you live? What are your rainy day essentials? Let me know in the comments!
* This post contains some products that were sent to me for consideration. As always, my reviews and opinions are my own.
Erin says
Love you my friend! Thank you for honesty in your blog today! We all have our insecurities and it takes a lot to say them out loud! I miss you and can’t wait to see you again soon!
Megan Joy says
Miss you so much! It was awesome having you here, my only regret is that the weather was kind of crummy. But we had so much fun regardless 🙂 Love you!
Zoë says
your openness is so lovely. you’re right, your body has done a wonderful, beautiful thing, but it is definitely something that changes it and I am sure that takes awhile to get used to (and of course, it has only been 2 months and I am sure it is not finished changing either). you look absolutely beautiful and the white/yellow combo of the boots/umbrella/coat is super cute. perfect for Portland indeed!
Megan Joy says
When I lived in Toronto I was more concerned with buying really warm clothing rather than waterproof apparel. Now that I’m in Portland having great rainy day clothes is soooo important lol 🙂
It’s so true, it’s only been 2 months since Piper was born but already I feel the pressure to be back to the same size I was before I got pregnant. Most of it is pressure on myself! I need to try and be more patient.
Chantal says
The umbrella, coat and boots all look like they were made to be worn together! 🙂
Pregnancy changes you in so many ways, physically and emotionally. And we feel a lot of pressure about our bodies because all the celebrities bounce back in so little time that we feel like we should too. They have personal trainers and chefs and nannies and whatever else they need. But that is not reality, we are the reality and WE ARE BEAUTIFUL!
Megan Joy says
Haha it’s so true. Famous people have access to all kind of things that help get them back into shape super quick. The fourth trimester is a real thing! So many emotions and changes still happen even after the baby arrives. It was something I wasn’t expecting but it really is a normal part of this postpartum process!
Ana says
I imagine Portland to be the same as living in Ireland except that we are chronically unprepared for the rain..we live in eternal hope for sunshine!
Love the umbrella & jacket combo!
Megan Joy says
Thanks Ana! I love this umbrella too, plus it’s a little piece of Canada that I brought with me when I moved to Portland!
I’ve never been to Ireland but I would love to go there one day 🙂
Nancy says
We are basically rain jacket twins Megan! My parents for Christmas bought me a Helly Hensen rain coat and it’s almost all white 😉 Has blue stripes on it too. I love the pure white one though. Oooh hohoho!
I am so glad you blogged about body image, and how real life is because often times it’s misinterpreted about the women who give birth. Every body is different, and like you said – most mamma’s bumps may be there for a while. And that’s okay!
I think you look amazing Megan. xox.
Megan Joy says
Haha Nancy I am not surprised at all we have similar Helly Hansen jackets. We have such similar taste when it comes to clothes 🙂
It can be hard sometimes to remember that our bodies are all so different and what we see in the media isn’t always the norm!
Katherine says
I actually have a post I’ve had in draft format for months now about how insecure I’ve been about my body in recent months, and how things have changed for me. It feels so scary to share those thoughts with anyone, let alone on the internet for everyone to read. Love this post, Megan.
Katherine || The Green Bows
Megan Joy says
You are not alone! I finished writing my first draft of this post and didn’t mention anything about how insecure I was feeling. I realized I had to go back and talk about it! My blog is about my life and this is a very real stage of my postpartum experience. Sending love your way! xo
MizzJ says
Haha yes, the rain cannot be a deterrent when you live in the Pacific Northwest! Aww I didn’t realize it was Piper there in that last photo and was wondering why your friend was carrying around a stuffed animal hahaha
Megan Joy says
Haha! She was all snuggled up in that baby carrier 🙂 I didn’t notice her little leg until I looked back at the photo much later lol
Jodi says
We definitely get a lot of rain here in Halifax, your jacket looks pretty perfect! Mine rain jacket doesn’t have a big enough hood so I definitely get rain in my face more often then not. 😛
Your openness is so wonderful, Megan. Thank you for sharing with us. <3
Megan Joy says
Thanks Jodi! This jacket definitely has a HUGE hood which is amazing when I forget my umbrella (which happens a lot haha!)
Andy says
This jacket looks amazing! I really, really love the white…although I would definitely spill coffee on it. It’s waterproof though, so it’s all good! And thank you for opening up – when the time comes, I’ll remember this <3
Megan Joy says
When the time comes for you just remember to be kind to yourself! It’s so hard not to compare sometimes but I am trying my best to love my body where it is, and to be proud of what it’s done!
Maria says
omg this is the cutest post ever! I love the coat and you look fab in it! Lovely post! Canada represent! 😀
Kinsey says
My third baby is 8 weeks old and I hear ya on the post partum body. It can be a little bit of a challenge and some “transition” clothes are a must. Just found your blog today so hello from a fellow Canadian!
Megan Joy says
Yay! Thanks so much for checking out my blog and for taking the time to comment! xo