Someone’s poking me with her foot… 🙂
I remember back when I was still pregnant with Piper, people would often ask me “are you going to wear your baby?” It sounded like a great idea to me! You get wonderful snuggly tummy-to-tummy time with your baby, while keeping your hands free to get things done! But once I started looking up different wraps and slings I felt really intimidated. All the wrapping and criss-crossing of fabric seemed really complicated. Maybe baby-wearing wasn’t for me?
When Piper was a few weeks old I bought a Baby K’tan Wrap which is a great fabric wrap for parents who are new to baby wearing. It was amazing and I still use it, but we ran into problems when I needed a break. The Baby K’tan is not adjustable, so I got a size small to fit me, but that meant it wouldn’t fit James. We needed a carrier we could both use!
I attended an Ergobaby event when Piper was about two months old and was generously given an Ergobaby ADAPT Baby Carrier. It was my first time trying a structured carrier with clips and buckles and once again I felt a little out of my league. Lucky for me, this carrier ended up being just what we needed.

Squirmy Piper caught in action! She’s pushing off me, arching her back and wiggling her legs all at the same time. Never a dull moment with a 4 month old 🙂
The ADAPT Baby Carrier is the newest release from Ergobaby and is the first on the market to fit babies from newborn to toddler (7 lbs – 45 lbs) with no infant insert needed. That is a huge advantage to this carrier. Every other brand I’ve seen requires an infant insert until your baby is 15+ pounds. Inserts can range from $20-$40 dollars and is not an extra expense you want if you’re already paying over $100 for the carrier itself! The seat adjusts to three different sizes using velcro to suit your baby as it grows!
I found the ADAPT really easy to wear and loved the lumbar band for extra back support. All the straps are adjustable so James and I can both wear it comfortably. It’s machine washable which is great for when your baby (inevitably) spits up or drools all over the straps. Trust me, it will happen 🙂 You also have the option to cross the straps in the back for an extra snug fit!
You can flip the neck cushion up (like in the photo above) for newborns who need the extra support. Or you can flip it down for babies that are a bit older and have better head and neck strength (like the photo below).
There’s a tuck-away baby hood for sun protection which was amazing when Piper was really teeny. We couldn’t find any hats that were small enough for her tiny head, so we often used the hood to keep the sun off of her face.
The hood snaps onto the shoulder strap of the carrier to keep it in place. I thought for sure Piper would hate having the hood “restrict” her, but she actually loves it. She can still peek out and see everything around her while being protected from the sun.
- No infant seat required
- Lumbar support waistband
- Adjustable seat allows for ergonomic position (M-shape) at every stage (from 7 lbs – 45 lbs)
- 3 ergonomic carry positions: Front-Inward, Hip and Back
- Adjustable straps so both parents can wear it comfortably
- Not many colour options (only Black and Pearl Grey)
- Price point may not be in everyone’s budget ($145 US)
- Material is a little rough on Piper’s skin so we have to make sure she is wearing pants or shorts otherwise the fabric irritates her bare legs
- Can’t do front-facing position (but you can with the Ergobaby 360 Carrier)
Overall I really like this carrier. The fact that I could put Piper in it right after she was born without having to buy an insert makes this a stand-out in my opinion!
I’d love to hear what your favourite baby carrier is. Let me know in the comments!
Chanel van Reenen says
I love the Ergo! I think it’s the most comfortable for babies too once they’re out of the squished up newborn position. Cotton wraps don’t hold as well and I always felt like my active babies were going to fall out once they could start pushing off me. Also, she is so cute and I love your dress!
Megan Joy says
Thanks Chanel! I agree, I love the cotton/fabric wraps for home when I am sitting a lot. When I am out, I like the support of the structured wrap. It helps me back so much!
Jodi says
Okay I know this post wasn’t about how cute Piper is, but gah she is so cute, Megan! Glad you found a carrier that works for both you and James! Too bad it wasn’t a little softer though.
Megan Joy says
Haha thanks so much Jodi! I know I am biased but I agree, she’s pretty adorable 🙂
Natalie Heather says
Piper is the cutest baby! I never knew finding a baby carrier thingy would be so difficult – glad you’ve found one that at least you and James can both wear!
Megan Joy says
Totally! I still like the soft, fabric wraps for when I’m home and want to be super comfortable but the structured carrier is awesome for when we are out and about!
Nancy says
Who knew baby carriers did so much? I had no idea. I like the idea behind this one for sure, especially since it grows with baby, and adds sun-protection with that hood. So neat. 🙂
Megan Joy says
For sure, I get so much more done when she is in a carrier. Plus she loves it because she gets to be snuggled up against me! Win win 🙂
Chantal says
Baby wearing is the best! I have a Manduca and love it! The infant seat is built in so I did not have to buy an additional piece. I also have a ring sling that I used when M got bigger and the carrier just felt like too much.
Piper is so adorable, and getting so big!
Elaine (@elainelovesblog) says
Great review! I agree with you…when I was looking into the wraps everything was so inimidating. I’m still considering a ring sling for at home so I can wear the baby hands free but my in laws purchased the Ergobaby 360 for us with the insert. Crossing fingers it will do the job!
kayleigh says
First let me say, Piper is super adorable!!
Secondly, this post came at the perfect time!
I am (im)patiently awaiting the arrival of my little one and have just received a carrier as a gift. It is an Infantino 4in1 Convertible carrier and I can’t speak to functionality or comfort yet, It has a lot of features that yours has – so I’m excited to put it to the test. As soon as I finished reading your post, I instantly went and checked to see if we needed to purchase a newborn insert…and thankfully we don’t. It’s fully adjustable to grow with baby!
Thanks for a great post!
Megan Joy says
Congrats on your pregnancy 🙂 That’s amazing that you don’t need to buy an insert. I hope you enjoy baby-wearing and find the carrier comfortable!
Whitney says
The last picture is so cute with Piper’s eye peeking out! Although it doesn’t have a front facing position, Piper looks extra cute hugging on to you!
Megan Joy says
Haha she hates cuddling, so this is my way of getting snuggly time with her 🙂